Prepare for the IELTS ™ with live classes and pass your exam with our experts.



What will you learn with this course?

Our virtual course will familiarize you with and prepare you for the four sections of the IELTS™ test so that you can complete them effectively by means of: 

  • Fast reading strategies like scanning and skimming.

  • Effective listening strategies.

  • Confident and fluent conversation skills.

  • Effective writing strategies plus grammar consolidation.



+ Description

Our virtual prep course is 100% designed to fulfill your needs. You will learn the structure, the strategies, and the techniques of the IELTS™ exam, which will help you achieve the score you need. An IELTS™ specialist will not only prepare you, but will also follow your progress daily.

+ What does this course include?

  • Courses start from 20 live academic hours conducted by IELTS™ specialists.
  • You choose your schedule (Academic hour = 45 minutes).
  • An extensive interactive platform, including tests and exercises that you will be able to complete at your pace.
  • A mock test very similar to the official IELTS™, so that you can test your present level and familiarize yourself with the exam format.
  • Relevant and dynamic exercises for each IELTS™ section.
  • A personalized progress report.
  • Homework and supplementary materials.
  • Permanent support.

+ Investment

IELTS™ individual preparation $ 450 USD

1)Pay online Individual IELTS™ virtual course

2) Send the payment receipt to with your full name, mobile, and desired schedule.

3)You will receive the course confirmation and instructions to start your course.

Pay your course here


Cursos de Preparación

(314) 731-7925 I (315) 836-6287

WhatsApp ‭(317) 642-0188

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